This is an archive of the TTC Subway Rider Efficiency Guide website by Sean Lerner, which was originally at (now a different site), downloaded from the Wayback Machine with some formatting and link updates, although many links remain broken or out-of-date. Like the original, it is shared under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Creative Commons Licence.


An iPhone app with the Efficiency Guide's maps --> The iPhone App was created by bunnyhero labs

An Android app with the Efficiency Guide's maps --> The Android App was created by Dave McKellar

Unorthodox Tips for Riding the TTC --> Over 200 tips for riding the TTC!

TTC Subway Rider Efficiency Guide --> Download.
See John Martz's banned TTC Anagram Map --> Help put the TTC into the public's hands.

So Ya Want To Be Famous: 26 Media Lessons Learned --> Interested in generating press for your project? Read the anecdotal story of the TTC Subway Rider Efficiency Guide in the media. It's been published on the excellent DIY resource and is loaded with tips on how to turn yourself into a celebrity. See the press page for straight up media coverage of the TTC Subway Rider Efficiency Guide.

TTC Subway Rider Efficiency Guide Archive” is a derivative of “TTC Subway Rider Efficiency Guide” by Sean Lerner, used under CC BY-NC-SA. “TTC Subway Rider Efficiency Guide Archive” © 2022 by bunnyhero is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0